• Ade Hendra
  • Maiyulnita Maiyulnita STIA Lppn Padang
  • Nasrizal Nasrizal


The purposes of this research are to determine the Role and the development program of the
Nagari Aia Amo Institution, Kamang Baru District, Sijunjung Regency. The resulf of this
reaserch showed that the role of the Nagari Institution as a community coach in serving the
Nagari government community can be said to have satisfied residents so that the development
carried out in Aie Amo Data can run or carried out smoothly because of the support from the
entire community. The services provided by the Nagari government to the community in this
case are in the form of processing documents for which there is no standard fee. 2) The
development program in Nagari Aie Amo can be seen from the intensive efforts of guarding
the Nagari government apparatus including the Nagari Wali and their staff who collaborate
with the Head of Jorong who is a community leader in the area. As a lower level government
the Nagari government can only propose and assist all physical developments determined by
the MUSREMBANG results at the sub-district level. Because the Nagari government can only
carry out coordination orders from the sub-district level government which is its
administrative area 3) The role of Nagari institutions in Nagari Aia Amo Development,
Kamang Baru Subdistrict, Sijunjung Regency This fairly good community participation is
evident from the various attention from the community towards all developments in the
scope of government of Nagari Aie Amo 2). Cooperation between fellow Devices is very
harmonious between fellow Nagari Devices, in the form of intimacy that occurs between
fellow Devices, as well as the obedience of all Devices to the Wali Nagari Mother.

How to Cite
HENDRA, Ade; MAIYULNITA, Maiyulnita; NASRIZAL, Nasrizal. PERANAN LEMBAGA NAGARI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMBANGUNAN DI NAGARI AIA AMO KABUPATEN SIJUNJUNG. JURNAL Public Administration, Business and Rural Develoment Planning, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 1-8, may 2021. ISSN 2714-7738. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024.